AIM: To study the method for purifying the extraction of Radix Achyranthes Bidentatae and Semen Vaccariae in Qianlietong Capsules. 目的:对复方前列通胶囊中主要组成药物牛膝、王不留行提取物的纯化工艺进行研究。
Conclusions: Basil polysaccharide may have multi-targets during the anti-cancer metastasis process. Isolation, Purification and Identification of Chemical Compound from Semen vaccariae to Inhibit Endothelial Cells 结论:罗勒多糖通过多个药效靶点抗肿瘤增殖及转移。王不留行中抗人微血管内皮细胞增殖的有效组分的分离和纯化
Results There was a significant difference between the electrophoretograms of semen vaccariae and its adulterants. 结果王不留行及伪品的电泳图谱存在显著差异。
28 18-day-old Jcl-lcr female mice, which were ovariectomized at the age of 20 days, were divided into 4 groups. 0.2 ml of Squama manitis and Semen vaccariae solution were given orally every day in group ⅰ; 将Jcl-lcr系18日龄雌性小白鼠28只分为4组,从20日龄时摘除卵巢,28日龄开始,第1组连续给穿山甲、王不留行煎液,每天口服0.2ml(相当于生药0.1g);